Our brand expresses our desire to provide customers and society with the value of Fuji Electric innovation. As experts in electronics manufacturing and pioneers of cutting-edge energy technology, we offer the products of the future to meet customer demands and contribute to the creation of responsible and sustainable societies everywhere we do business.
With electric and thermal energy technology as core technologies, Fuji Electric contributes to the creation of responsible and sustainable societies through its five business sectors: Power and Social Infrastructure, Industrial Infrasructure, Power Electronics, Electronic Devices, and Food and Beverage Distribution.
At Fuji electric, our philosophy is to satisfy customers to the best of our ability by providing them with creative and competitive solutions and services that live up to and even exceed their expectations. We emphasize on research and development to accelerate the development of new processes and products, and are committed to manage this development in a transparent way.
We strive to reduce the environmental impact of our products during their manufacture, installation and operation by producing high quality products while keeping the environmental footprint of these products as negligible as possible. We strongly believe that change and progress that ignores the welfare of the human race is meaningless.
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